01553 611834 bossjex@btinternet.com
Farm Slurry Lagoon Emptying

Case Study – Removing Slurry from a Lagoon

Example of a Membrane lined Reservoir after desilting

Traditionally farm slurry lagoons are emptied by first stirring the slurry and then extracting it to slurry tankers ready for spreading on the land.

There are three  main problems with this;

1) It is time consuming

2) Not all the slurry can be removed from the lagoon without damaging it’s liner

3) Additional water is required

Silt Pumping is the Solution

Using our silt pumping system we can drain your slurry lagoon right down to the liner without damaging it. This removes the need for stirring. Also, because we can move 80% solid material using compressed air, very little (if any) additional water is required. In these times of drought – that’s a massive bonus!

To restore your slurry lagoon back to full capacity, call Peter on 01553 611834 or 07768 234336