01553 611834 bossjex@btinternet.com

Water Course Dredging, Desilting & Management Specialists

The Lake, Pond, River & Canal Desilting Experts
The UK’s most environmentally friendly dredging & desilting service


Silt Pumping Specialists

  • A much cleaner method of Dredging
  • Minimum amount of equipment
  • Minimum restoration required
  • Unique pumping system only available to Jex Silt Pumping
  • Customisable no-drain dredging system
  • De-watering Silt Containment Bags
  • Floating Pontoon Silt Removal
  • Silt Removal Projects starting from £6000

Call For a Quote:

01553 611834


lake and pond desilting

Lake and Pond Desilting

From private ponds to commercial estates and holiday parks, our lake and pond desilting methods are the most environmentally friendly in the UK.

industrial storage tank solids removal

Industrial Tank Sludge and Silt Removal

Fast and Safe Anaerobic Digester and Industrial Tank Sludge and Silt removal with minimal water requirments

farm reservoir desilting

Reservoir Desilting

From farm reservoirs to fire lakes our reservoir desilting services can significantly increase the capacity of your reservoir.

Canal and River Desilting

Canal and River Desilting

Get your Canal or River flowing like new, take a look at our Canal and River desilting services, an environmentally friendly solution to your silting issues.

moat desilting contractor

Moat Desilting

Moats on formal estates and castles are just as susceptable to silting up as any other water course, reducing their capacity and eventually drying up.

The Lake, Pond, River & Canal Desilting Experts

Whether you are looking for environmentally friendly methods of desilting a lake, river, lagoon or garden pond. Or want to move material from one location to another, without having to hire diggers and dumpers; or have a large impact on the environment. Jex Silt Pumping has the solution.

Running on 100% air, and with no moving parts. Our new pumps are capable of moving liquids or loose materials upto 400 meters from their current location to the new holding area. This provides a huge amount of flexibility, and requires very little water.

Using our pumping system, we can move upto 30 cubic meters of material an hour. Through a single pipe laid across the land, making the environmental impact of such operations virtually zero. With these pumping systems requiring only a two man operation, your costs will be much reduced too.

We can move slurry, silt, powders, gravel, oils, topsoil and much more. All of this without the need for huge amounts of water to help convey the materials through the pipes.

With our unique and extremely flexible silt pumping, and de-watering systems; Jex Plant Pumping Systems has the solutions to your material movement problems.

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01553 611834

Natural Swimming Pond Constructions

A well-designed and constructed natural swimming pool, also referred to as a natural swimming pond, provides the ability to swim in fresh, clean, chemical-free water while attracting and maintaining a variety of wildlife. 

Two major distinctions need to be illustrated when thinking about natural swimming ponds and swimming pools.

Turn your neglected pond into something gorgeous and useful. If you want to convert the existing garden pond into a natural swimming pool, you may only need to desilt it, clean it, add specific types of plantation and provide a way to circulate the water. Plants are used as a natural filtration method for the creation of natural pools.

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01553 611834

Why use Jex Plant?

  • Our silt pumping methods allow us to get into places others can’t
  • Requires virtually no water
  • Silt can be easily spread on nearby land or pumped to tanks upto 1000 meters away
  • Natural England approved contractor
  • Much reduced cost of spoil removal
  • Over 40 years of dredging and desilting experience

To find out more about how our pumping systems can be used to remove silt from your lakes, ponds, rivers, canals or reservoirs

Commercial and Private Enquiries Welcome